helping families thrive. . .
...what we're going through now:
What people struggle with, especially when they want something to be really special, 'for the season' or 'for the kids' or, probably most accurately, 'for making up for all the horrible experiences in this season in the past that still haunt' --what people really struggle with is that list of big emotions I started with:
- disappointment
- dread
- frustration
- the unknown (unknowable) future
- worry
- annoyance
- powerlessness
Celebrate Halloween --the old fashioned way
Concerns about physical distancing, spiking covid-19 case numbers, and kids encountering dozens (or hundreds) of other people's 'social bubbles' just to wear costumes and get candy have me thinking . . . again. Uh-oh.
How would you like a covid-safe, inside-the-guidelines party for you and your kids, that is cheaper and more fun than trick-or-treating?