helping families thrive. . .
Surrender to the necessity of the task
Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water
After enlightenment: chop wood, carry waterThere will be no time in your life when feeding and cleaning does not need to be done, however much modern conveniences ease the work. Accept that it must be done, without end.
Be it resolved that the truth of kids doing chores is: ‘we all need to work as a family.’
Opposed: How do you know that’s true?
Affirmative: it’s self-evident: it’s our home and we need to work together for it to be peaceful and healthy
Even if by 'working together' you mean one's the boss and everyone else is a minion?
Be it resolved that the truth of kids doing chores is ‘mom/dad needs a break.’
Opposed: How do you know that’s true?
Affirmative: I/we work hard
Opposed: Good. Hard work is good for people, especially their mental health.
Be it resolved that the truth of kids doing chores is ‘they need to learn how.’
... argue that point in the affirmative, and see where it gets you...
Question 1. How can I improve my kids’ attitudes toward helping out at home? Short answer: good luck with that.
Parent says 1. I really need kids to pitch in (write in reason of choice: single parent, busy schedule, ailing parents, demanding job, kids waste time, they have to, it’s their turn…) What parents need isn't for kids to handle. Adults help kids with their needs, not the other way around.