• How do you celebrate covid christmas with kids?

    As described in the companion post, there are a lot of feels happening in the lead-in to the holidays this year. Check that post out for how to deal with those feelings, before getting tucked into what to do about this year... With the world struggling to flatten the curve of the second wave of the pandemic, just as it threatens to become a tsunami, a lot of people are wondering 'what is going to happen to Christmas?' What indeed? As I wrote earlier, about alternative festive Halloween options, …

  • Celebrate Halloween --the old fashioned way

    Concerns about physical distancing, spiking covid-19 case numbers, and kids encountering dozens (or hundreds) of other people's 'social bubbles' just to wear costumes and get candy have me thinking . . . again. Uh-oh.

    How would you like a covid-safe, inside-the-guidelines party for you and your kids, that is cheaper and more fun than trick-or-treating?
